facebook-domain-verification=62nhz8kmjl39qm1xdcd5m6gsuz6uum Felt Poppy | The Makerie
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Felt Poppy

Felt Poppy

Excluding GST/HST

Every year, The Makerie offers the opportunity to come for a mindful craft of making your own felt and beaded poppy. The project takes about an hour, and is the perfect opportunity to reflect on the courage and sacrifice given by fallen soldiers for us. Craft and be grateful. 


This year, The Makerie has partnered with 4 Paws Pure to also offer a purple poppy craft, to honour the animals who also served during war. 


10% of proceeds from this project are donated to the Prince George Legion. 

The Makerie is also happy to collect additional donations on your behalf.


Difficulty: Moderate (beading)

Estimated time: 1 - 1.5 hours


Available as Makerie to Takerie

Tools Needed:

  • Scissors
Poppy Colour

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